Made in Milwaukee, by Milwaukee, for Milwaukee

Our Films

Thank you for your interest in Fourth Coast Films. I encourage my readers to email me with questions, ideas, and feedback. Here’s to the Fourth Coast and vibrant landscape of Milwaukee.

Meltdown | Fourth Coast FilmsMeltdown | Fourth Coast Films
The ExterminatorThe Exterminator
Fourth Coast Films | Brewery Slugs
Fourth Coast Films | Quack Quack You're Dead
Fourth Coast Films | Snow Beast
Fourth Coast Films | Juneau Park

Exciting details coming Fall 2022.


A dynamic “high-concept” screenplay with excellent demographics for the 60 and under audience, “Cane” is ready to unleash its fury on planet Earth. Better learn the breast stroke.

He warned us over 50 years ago. Our CIA and Big Oil silenced him. Now planet Earth is in peril.

A brilliant exchange student from Japan, Tomo Nikigami, discovered a terrifying concept he termed “Global Thermal Expansion.” Today we call it Global WarmingDue to fossil fuel usage, Earth will begin to see the “Nikigami Sequence,” a series of worsening weather disasters beginning in the late 20th century. By 2025 things will get worse. Much, much worse. These meteorological nightmares will culminate in “Cane,” the greatest single storm seen on Earth in the last 100,000 years. Florida will be wiped off the map. The Arctic will melt within weeks. Then, worse still, Earth’s climate will flip to a Mesozoic “Hot House” not seen in 70 million years. Yes, folks, Kansas will never be the same. Neither will the globe itself.

Upon presenting his findings to his Dean, Big Oil and our own CIA immediately silenced him.

Tomo, keep your trap shut, and you just might live to 50.”

Those responsible for silencing Tomo were the very same people that killed President Kennedy because of oil deposits discovered by the CIA off the Vietnam coast.

2004’s The Day After Tomorrow just met the 1973 hit, The Day of the Jackal.

Conflict with bankable talent? Absolutely.

“So, Dr. Nikigami, can we save Florida?

“No. Mr. President. You have 17 hours and not a minute longer to get everyone out of Florida.”

At screenplay’s end:

“Oh, my God. It’s gone. You blew it away. Damn you, climate deniers. You blew it away!

Life was grand for Milwaukee’s ideal family, the Plotkins. Marty, a father, loving husband, and owner of a successful exterminating business; his loving wife, Lou Ann; and his college-graduate daughter, Debbie, enjoyed the good life. Then it ended. Suddenly. Tragically.

Mr. Plotkin, we, unfortunately, must inform you of some very bad news. Last night, at approximately 10 PM, your daughter, one Debbie Plotkin, was shot and killed at her place of work.”

This was the painful message a Milwaukee police officer had to tender to a shocked, stunned Marty Plotkin.

Enraged over his daughter’s murder, Marty Plotkin becomes a psychotic, chemical-toting vigilante. Charles Bronson has indeed met the Orkin Man. Exterminating criminals every chance he gets, Plotkin ultimately confronts drug czar Fleetwood, the very man responsible for his daughter’s death at work. After exterminating Fleetwood’s drug gang, Plotkin outsmarts Fleetwood himself, exterminates the perp, and wins release of his kidnapped wife. But it’s not over. Immediately after Plotkin has disposed of his archenemy, two Milwaukee police officials rush in and stand over Fleetwood’s convulsing body.

“Plotkin, you’ve got 90 seconds to disappear. Hang around, and we will expose you to a waiting press as ‘The Milwaukee Exterminator.’”

Plotkin and his wife heed the MPD’s advice. They head to Minneapolis, having won a secret reprieve from top law enforcement.

With crime in Beer Town plummeting, city fathers select to keep it that way for political purposes. Marty Plotkin, aka “The Exterminator,” moves to Minneapolis only to continue his “exterminations.” There lies our possible sequel!

In this off-color horror movie, a tour group is trapped inside a Milwaukee Brewery and is being hunted by giant slugs.

Trapped tour members of the Stengler Brewery discover shredded remains of a missing electrician. Panic cooks. Boils over. Brewery Worker BOBBY LENOX, 29, lean, gets there first.

Oh my God. It’s…It’s Wedemeyer, that missing electrician.

Steamfitter JOHN LA SALLE, 36, no nonsense, in shape comments.

And whatever got him can’t be far. May be watching us now.

All huddle in fear. Look about. Cell phone light provides only light. Brewery worker SANDY WHITNALL, 32, smart, sexy.

John, what do you mean?

Sandy, these clothes were ripped apart. The blood and body parts are fresh. This went down minutes ago.

It’s unmistakable. And near. Very near. BLUDUDUDU BLUDUDU.

What the fuck was that?

BLUDUDUDU BLUDUDUDU. The ghastly sounds come closer.

Everyone get close. It’s coming back.

La Salle whips out an LED flashlight. Forty feet away it appears. A MONSTER SLUG sliming closer. Brewery Worker and gal pal to La Salle, CINDY MARKAM, gets hysterical.

John, get us out of here. Now!

La Salle shows leadership while others panic.

This way. Deeper into the Grotto. It’s our only hope. That thing is blocking our escape.


The Wisconsin DNR has sprayed public waters to fight a mosquito plague—however, Canadian geese have ingested this pesticide, transforming them into uncontrollable, mutant birds.


Wisconsin DNR agents VERN LEWELLAN, 42, Handsome, Personable and fellow female agent CARY SYNDER, 28, Cute, walk quickly to a group of LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS.

They won’t believe a word we tell them. Not one syllable.

Not until they see those remains themselves. I’m going to get sick.

The two approach. Dodge County Sheriff Deputies JIM KLENICK, 31, medium build, TYLER MALLOY, 26, youthful and
PAM MANDEL, 33, blonde, confident, exchanging pleasantries. The DNR people are caught up to speed.

Any luck? We’ve been all over the marsh. Access roads. Tour center. Their cars are still parked.

Plenty. And it’s all bad.

Bewilderment smothers the three badge holders.

Vern…What do you mean?

We found them. Or what’s left.

All three law people look mortified. Transfixed.

Mr. Lewellan, what exactly did you find?

They were all…

Lewellan looks down. Saddened.

Ripped apart. Clothes torn into a million pieces. Bodies shredded beyond recognition.

Law enforcement personnel gasp. Stunned. Fear descends upon the group.

A City of Milwaukee engineer rehabbing a statue in Juneau Park has just lost his fiancé in a car accident. While working on the statue, the engineer time travels to the date of the statue’s construction and meets someone who is strikingly similar to his deceased fiancé. They join ranks and try everything in their power to return to present day—together.


Milwaukee city engineer BILL WILSON, 34, attractive, stumbles out of an access portal dazed. Confused. He gathers his computer. Cell. Looks up. Becomes incredulous. Breathless.

Oh my God, Habermann was right. It…It wasn’t a joke.

Wilson looks around. Sees horses. Carriages. People dressed à la 1872, Milwaukee.

I’m back, back in time. But how?

He walks to a dirty, mud-strewn street.

I was transported back. How would a scientist from the Nineteenth century know about time travel?

Suddenly a commotion. Coming at Wilson: A carriage with a wild horse. It’s running out of control. A frantic FEMALE, 30, very attractive, screams for help.

Help me! Someone help me! Please. I…can’t control him.

Wilson’s instincts converge. He runs to the bounding surrey. Grabs reins. Talks “horse” to the scared animal.

Shhhhhh. It’s OK. Calm down.

Pulls the reins. Horse slowly complies. Woman leans back. Terrified but relieved.

Oh, thank you. You stopped him. How did you do that?

Wilson looks directly at the frantic but thankful driver. She is an exact double for his deceased fiancee.

What the…she’s…it’s Ally. I’m in the goddamn Twilight Zone.

Hunters in Northern Wisconsin encounter unexplained deaths as a result of a Snowbeast in Northwestern Wisconsin.



Films made in Milwaukee, by Milwaukee, for Milwaukee.